Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

After all the painting I have done, with & without kids, I felt like getting my hands onto some good old crafts again. It has always been a great part in my life, wherever I have lived, ...the weaving, knitting, sewing, crocheting, felting....and spinning!

For me, it's keeping alive the traditional crafts I grew up with, and, at the same time, 'handicrafts' (what a funny word!) create a great balance in this crazy, fast, 'technologized' (I made that one up, of course!) world , where you can have everything at your doorstep (NOW!)with a click of a button. The slow speed and repetitiveness of all the above mentioned craft techniques require fine motor skills, lots of PATIENCE and a focussed mind, similar to a meditation session! Because, as we all know, clearer and calmer minds, are able to make better decisions in life.

I didn't plan to 'philosophize' so much!

I just wanted to mention that thanks to my beautiful friend, Mieke den Otter, I have rediscovered the (basic) art of spinning again. Mieke is an expert, and a patient teacher! So, on the photos you can see my first couple of meters of homespun wool! I am patiently practicing daily now, as spinning teaches me to let go...and to accept the faulty bits!

No, actually, secretely I am trying to prick my finger on the spool in order to fall into 100 years of blissful sleep.....only to be woken up by my PRINCE!

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